Elections are the basis of a democratic government. All governments with a parliamentary democracy are formed by different representatives, which is why each vote counts. This is your contribution, your ACTION, your effort, and your voice to make a change in your country, Aruba.
Your vote is a fundamental right and an opportunity we encourage you to use.
To verify that you are allowed your right to vote on the registry of voters, please visit the following link:
The significance of elections and the requirements to vote on Aruba are crucial for the transparency of the electoral process and to assure that democracy is conducted. An election provides the community with the opportunity to be represented by their chosen elects, which hold the legislative power of Aruba. So, that’s why you should educate yourself and research from different sources that offer concrete and reliable information. This information can help voters make a decision and a choice that is aligned with their norms, values, and most important of all, their beliefs.
Voting is a fundamental right that should be exercised by one and all to ensure that your voice is
being heard in the community. Voting is one of the most effective ways of contributing to your
society, government, and country; it is a human right and a fundamental pillar of our community.
Let your voice be heard and make use of your right to vote!